Weekly video series where we share insights and best practices related to strategic relationship building.
In my latest video I spent a little time showing how taking interest in others' passions can quickly build the trust you need for stronger conversion and retention.
In my latest video, I share how social science can help us convert more and create longer client retention, using something called "perceived partner responsiveness."
How to Create Memorable Event Endings
Endings are where the lasting impressions are made! And whether you’re part of the event planning or a speaker at the event, there’s another way to look at how you design that event ending.
In my latest video I spent a little time showing how taking interest in others' passions can quickly build the trust you need for stronger conversion and retention.
In my latest video, I’ll share a study that teaches us laughter is a social tool, signaling understanding, agreement, and belonging within a group. All key to growing communities.
Networking Openers Connecting at Human Level
I invite you to listen to how finding shared interests first can cultivate far more powerful relationships right out of the gate.
In this week’s video, I’m sharing why wellness-themed gifts are a powerful tool for nurturing your business relationships and how to strategically design the experience to create engagement.
In some recent reading, I came across a medical study that improved the way operating teams expressed concerns or spoke up with questions. Watch my latest video to see the results of the study and how we can apply the learning to our businesses.
Changing The Pleasantries of Client Onboarding
In this week’s video I talk about how our growing dependence on digital is disrupting our ability to develop the like factor in the Know Like Trust model.
In this week’s video, I take a moment to dig into the reality of brand presence, both online and offline.
Designing Care Into Your Nurturing
In this video, I share with you an experience from corporate land. A place where landing new business can drag on forever and the big guys seem to have most of the attention – Or do they?
In my latest video, I share some of the science behind the practice of gratitude and how it can be harnessed in business to build more meaningful relationships.
In our latest video, our CEO, Jamie Shibley, shares how her personal experience with cancer sheds light on the powerful roles of validation, care, and understanding in forging meaningful connections with those who are navigating adversity.
The Power of Strategic Gifting with Tradition
In this video, I share the details of the gift, the story, and how you can use Tradition to deliver experiences that create strong emotional connections with your own community.
Your people know other people who should be your people! Just like dog people. In this week’s video I share how my dog daycare nailed it last year. And just how dog-obsessed we are!
In this latest video, I break down the steps for planning a VIP Program, along with ideas for what the touchpoints could look like. In just 5 minutes, you can learn how to implement your own system to meaningfully keep your existing clients connected.
Community Building with a Podcast
Take a listen to my latest video for a better understanding of the unlimited value you create by being intentional with your relationship building efforts in this space.
In this latest video I talk about the power behind shared experiences and why it sets up the development of long-term trusted relationships
The key question to help you get started designing touchpoints is - what future goal or milestone is your clients working toward? Watch my latest video for examples of how to use future goals and milestones for your own brand.
Prospect vs Strategic Partners
In this week’s video, I break down the type of connections to consider for strategic partnerships. I also share a bit more about the value they can provide when you develop a trusted relationship.
There are so many ways to integrate a follow-up that creates additional engagement and sets up future opportunities for relationship building. Listen to my latest video for additional ideas on how to implement this tool in your own mailings.
We were recently asked about gifting trends. More specifically – Should we stay away from using an item that is trending? In this week’s video, I break down the times that it makes sense to follow a trend and when you may want to stay away from it.
Listen to my latest video for a few ideas of how to incorporate your own anniversary or celebration into your efforts to build meaningful relationships.
I invite you to listen to my latest video to learn more about how this unique effort played out. And maybe spend a little time considering how you might implement a goodwill program of your own.
We’ve seen a steady increase in the number of companies asking for advice about remote employee engagement. Take a listen to my latest video for some ideas of how others are designing experiences that create these results.
One of the first relationships that most new clients will work with is their existing clients. We typically start with obvious touch points like birthdays or even business anniversaries.
Rebecca Metz, of Web Pages That Sell, has been using our services to send Welcome packages to new clients and Thank You gifts for referrals. When we recently met, she shared that she felt it was time to dig into how to manage client appreciation.
Thank Yous Deliver Extraordinary Results
In the Book, Living the 7 Habits Stories of Courage and Inspiration, Doug shared how the simple act of writing thank you messages for 15 years completely transformed the culture under his leadership.
Take a listen to our latest video for some tips on how to create an experience that fits your brand and shows your clients, team members or prospects just how thoughtful you are.
In my latest video, I break down how swimming teaches us the importance of these relationship building efforts and the specifics of what we as leaders need to nurture with our teams.
Holiday Gifting Insights - What Everyone Else Is Doing
In an effort to simplify the decision-making process, we're sharing some of the trends we've seen with gifting over the years. We're even sharing our best seller and why that gift had such success.
Take a look at our latest video to learn why these components made a difference and how you can apply them to your own gift strategy.
The secret to increasing the odds of engagement with your mailings is to make sure that you’re planting seeds for further conversation.
This latest video showcases a perfect example of this attribute. Listen to how a couple of iconic brands got it right when it mattered most.
Our latest video tip talks about a simple practice you can implement to make sure that people want to be part of what you offer.
In our latest video, we break down the process that we use at The Expressory to manage client lists and we throw in some tips for standing out with your birthday wishes
If you haven't yet heard us talk about the 7 elements of strategic gifting, we'll share that there are in fact elements that increase the emotional loyalty created.
Traditions are one of our secret weapons in creating gifts that are lasting. They are one of the 7 attributes that make a memorable gifting experience.
Have you ever thought about using a tree as a gift? What about how that tree could create lasting loyalty and make it easy for people to talk about how great it is to work with you?
Let’s look at the ways that this type of marketing – relationship marketing – does impact your business.
The third category of relationships that make a business successful is the collection of relationships that support you. Your team, vendors, peers, advisors, and even coaches.