Smooth Selling Forever

Audience Audit

The Challenge:
Craig Lowder, Founder of Smooth Selling Forever, wanted to overcome the challenge of maintaining consistent, meaningful engagement with clients, connectors, and prospects as his business expanded. This case study describes his struggle to stay connected with key contacts and his need for a strategy to build lasting relationships that enhance his business. Learn about how we collaborated to create unique, brand-reflective touchpoints that provide value and effectively convey his sentiments in a way that had a high level of engagement.

The Challenge:

Susan Baier, CEO of Audience Audit, wanted to overcome the challenge of having limited time to design unique, heartfelt holiday gifts that perfectly captured her company's vibrant personality. This case study showcases our combined efforts in finding a solution that enabled her to express sincere appreciation to clients and partners, while adhering to time and budget constraints. Learn the strategies and insights that led to a highly memorable gifting experience that blew away the engagement rates she’s used to.

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Case Study - Keystone Click

About Keystone Click

Keystone Click (KSC) helps businesses connect with their target customers through integrated digital marketing services such as website design, development and maintenance; digital marketing; marketing automation; and media production.

Lori Highby, President and Owner is also the host of Social Capital, a podcast that discusses the value of social relationships. Lori believes that maintaining a positive presence with your network is essential.

The Challenge

Keystone Click works with businesses on large projects and likes to recognize the successful completion of major milestones. The launch of a new website, or major campaign is an important day for a business and KSC would work to mark it as a special achievement. The challenge was that as the company grew, they didn’t have the time to keep up with the personal touch. It was around this time that Lori met Jamie Shibley -- at a networking event, of course.

The Solution

Because “business is all about people,” explains Lori, the Expressory’s mission of maintaining and building business relationships through personal touch was a natural fit. The teams got together and outlined a process and products that matched KSC’s needs. Today, KSC simply sends The Expressory an email when a project milestone is met. A personalized note with the right message and gift is sent to the client.

The Results

Once the program started, Lori received emails about how amazing the experience was from her clients. In fact, Keystone Click’s clients expressed such appreciation for the thoughtful and personal nature of the program, that KSC decided to use The Expressory for the holiday season as well. Today, they are looking for touch points in the prospect journey to reach out and deepen the personal connection using The Expressory.

Case Study - Predictive ROI

The Challenge

Predictive ROI wanted to grow the relationship that they had with guests on the Onward Nation podcast to become clients. They knew that these businesses were a good fit and knew that they really enjoyed working with these people. They also knew that these business owners had a good experience working with their team on the podcast.

The Solution

The teams collaborated to determine the best approach. The goal was to set up a process to reach out to these people multiple times by sending them a physical gift or a personalized card. Predictive ROI wanted something very memorable. Ultimately, they decided to start with a gift designed by The Expressory team – a framed quote or insight from their podcast episode that the guest could proudly display in their office. Each guest would receive subsequent personalized messages via handmade cards.

The Results

The first mailing was a huge success. The gifts were sent out on Friday and by Monday not only had Predictive ROI received multiple thank you notes, the recipients had also shared the story on multiple social media channels. Not only has Predictive ROI expanded this into a 12-month program, they have started to make this part of what they teach their clients to do for business relationship marketing.

About Predictive ROI

Predictive ROI helps business owners build their thought leadership and drive revenue. They use unique content and thought leadership to create relationships between their clients and their hard to reach prospects to increase leads and sales.

Stephen Woessner, President and CEO of Predictive ROI also hosts Onward Nation, a podcast that provides business owners with the strategies and tactical step-by-step “recipe” that will help anyone make their business more systematic, predictable, measurable, and repeatable