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Transforming Event Swag into Strategic Connections

April 04, 20246 min read

Transforming Event Swag into Strategic Connections

Making the decision to become an exhibitor at an event is significant. It often requires a substantial financial investment and countless hours of planning and decision making. But there is a solid business reason for doing it. Becoming an event exhibitor is a powerful strategy for businesses aiming to increase brand visibility, directly engage with their target market, and build meaningful relationships.

This investment, both in terms of money and effort, underscores the importance of having a clear plan for engagement during the event and a follow-up strategy to maximize the return on your investment. This is why I wanted to talk with a leader who continually sets the bar high when it comes to creating engagement through their event exhibit and post-event relationship building. 

Brian Gerstner is the President White Label IQ. They are an exclusive agency partner for digital production. As a company who also serves agency owners, I have experienced their exhibit and engagement at the annual Build A Better Agency Summit. I have not only been the recipient of some of their event material, but I’ve also spent time observing their high levels of exhibitor participation. 

Let Quality Drive Engagement

One of the first things I noticed when White Label IQ has a presence is that there is always a steady stream of engagement. And when people leave the booth, they generally walk away with something in their hands. But it’s not just stuffed into their bag as they move on to the next thing. The items were usually being reviewed or talked about as the person was leaving.  

I wanted to hear from Gerstner what he believes is the primary driver for this type of engagement. He simply shared - "We never give away anything that we wouldn't use ourselves." This includes both their booth gift and any marketing material. And what I loved about this is that it highlights the importance of quality in your exhibiting efforts.  

Gerstner shared that he wants to ensure that the items at their booth not only reflect the high standards of his business but also genuinely add value to the recipient's life. "We don't do crap work. So, we don't give away crap." One of the things White Label wants to avoid is the all-too-common practice of distributing forgettable trinkets that find their way to the nearest trash can. Instead, Gerstner’s team focuses on items that people would appreciate and keep, thereby extending the life of the engagement beyond the event itself. Gerstner mentioned that not only will people compliment the quality of the marketing material during an event, but he’s also had them pull out some of the items as reference during calls long after the event.  Considering I also have 2 White Label branded items within my office space, I’d say they’ve done a great job upholding their quality standards.

But just how do they choose what to give away?  That’s something I couldn’t wait to hear.  And I wasn’t disappointed to learn that Gerstner makes his decision based on a theme.  The theme is about “power and energy”. He told me that to-date, the items have been “all about caffeine, batter power, wireless charging and portability.”   

Now, White Label’s exhibitor strategy goes beyond mere giveaways; it’s about creating a meaningful exchange that is lasting.  And what Gerstner is tapping into is a soft reference to the outcomes of what it will be like to work with White Label IQ. One of The Expressory’s Strategic Storylines for designing engaging touchpoints is Goal Acknowledgement.  A gift that represents a future goal becomes a lasting token of motivation.  When the recipient uses it or sees it, they are reminded of the giver and the goals they are working to achieve.  For White Label IQ, they are powering your agency’s production.  The title of the marketing catalog from event’s past was “Making Agency Life Easier And More Profitable.”  By designing their giveaways with the theme’s in mind, they are reminding the recipients on a regular basis. 

Build Desire And Be Selective

The next thing Gerstner highlighted was the tactic of scarcity to create desire. Unlike other vendors who have thousands of pens on hand and often have to ship some back to the office, you won’t find extra White Label items after the event. You won’t see their team handing out a freebie to every passerby as everyone packs up, simply to avoid paying for return shipping.  Not only does the team spend a lot of money on the quality items, but they make sure they don’t over purchase.  White Label IQ is thorough about their planning to make sure they have enough gifts for three types of engagement: existing clients, prospects, and the contacts who request post-event follow-up. 

If existing clients attend the event, they will always receive one of the gifts as a token of appreciation for taking time to chat. Gerstner speaks to the power of rewarding existing clients at events, saying, "It’s a chance to say thank you, to remind them why they chose us." This approach to client engagement underscores the importance of appreciation in nurturing long-term relationships. It’s a reminder that while acquiring new clients is essential, cherishing and rewarding loyalty is equally important for business growth and sustainability.

When it comes to prospects, Gerstner’s team is intentional in how they engage.  "We don’t just hand them out to anyone who walks by. If you see someone genuinely interested, that’s when you offer something special." Gerstner explains, "We ask for something in return, but not in the way you might think. It’s not just about collecting business cards; it’s about starting a conversation." This approach emphasizes the beginning of a relationship rather than a transactional exchange of contact information for a freebie. By fostering genuine interactions, White Label’s method ensures that the follow-up feels more personal and welcome. Because what they know is that the conversion may not happen immediately, but White Label wants a relationship so that when the need arises, they get the opportunity to be the partner of choice. 

And finally, the White Label team knows that there will be some people who didn’t have a chance to meet them at the event but would like to follow-up post event. Some of the giveaways are stored at the office for just this occasion. If the team feels they have an opportunity to make a post-event impression with someone they can mail the contact a gift. It helps create additional goodwill and sets up an initial emotional connection.

By carefully selecting high-quality items, ensuring they don't over purchase, and intentionally targeting their giveaways towards existing clients, genuinely interested prospects, and post-event follow-ups, White Label IQ knows how to set itself apart as an event exhibitor. This thoughtful approach not only enhances their brand appreciation and loyalty but also lays the groundwork for lasting relationships. It's a testament to the company's commitment to high value, appreciation, and strategic growth. This practice shows us that a thoughtful giveaway, given at the right time, can indeed turn a moment of interaction into a lasting business relationship.

This blueprint for businesses looking to enhance their on-site event engagement with clients and prospects is a powerful one. By adopting similar strategies, companies can not only create immediate trusted connections at events but also lay the foundation for relationships that last long after the event. That’s where the real opportunities emerge.  

And if you need help in designing an event engagement strategy, we’re always happy to provide some guidance or share our experiences. Bring your ideas to one of our monthly Q&A sessions and the community will gladly help you refine just the right experience. Or feel free to schedule time to chat one on one.

event engagement strategiesquality event swagquality event giveawayclient engagement at eventsstrategic event exhibiting

Jamie Shibley

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