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Strategic Insights from a Financial Success Story

Fostering Trust to Fuel Referrals

June 07, 20245 min read

When it comes to nurturing the kind of client relationships that are loyal, consistency is key. We talk to countless professional service providers who say they are relationship based or relationship driven. However, not many can articulate a clear and consistent process within their organization for how they are staying top of mind and building loyalty with those existing clients.

After watching one of our Financial Advisor clients invest in delivering consistent client appreciation year over year, we asked if they would be willing to share a bit more about what drives their commitment to this work, as well as the results of these efforts.  

Peter Wilder is the Managing Partner of Endurance Planning Group. They are an Ameriprise Financial Planning and Wealth Management practice, operating in Atlanta and Alabama for over 20 years. It didn’t take long in our conversation to find out why Endurance has a long-established system for relationship building.  

The Family Approach

Wilder shared right away that one of their company themes has always been “Be a Family”. This philosophy is not just a mere statement - it's the backbone of their interactions with both team and existing clients. 

This approach goes beyond the traditional client-advisor relationship. It’s about creating a bond that's built on trust and understanding. When they manage financial planning, they want it to feel like they are helping a family member. Peter articulates this beautifully, “I often tell them, you just hired your new best friend.” “I'm going to know more about you than your parents, your siblings, your best friend,” he says. And he means it.

One of the ways that the Endurance Planning Team shows that they care is by acknowledging birthdays, something they’ve been doing for years. Because that’s what family does, right? It might be a phone call for some, but for some of their higher client segments, it’s a nice birthday gift (in accordance with compliance guidelines, of course). To Endurance, it’s not just about financial planning; it’s about being a reliable, trustworthy part of their lives.  

And that consistent presence has paid off in the 95% retention rate that Wilder proudly shares. He has worked hard with the team and his successor to make sure that this philosophy resonates with the entire team and for the long run. Recognizing client milestones, understanding their needs deeply, and building trust is not just good for business - it’s the right way to operate in the world of finance. As Wilder puts it, “I just became your family. And I want to treat you like family.”

Transforming Client Satisfaction into Referrals

This approach to nurturing client relationships by consistently personalizing and treating them like family pays off in another way. A consistent stream of referrals. Wilder tells me that "80% come from referrals", proving that referrals are more than just a business strategy - they are a measure of Endurance Planning Group’s success in building trust and delivering value. It's a testament to the level of satisfaction their clients have and their willingness to make recommendations to others.

"Our referral strategy is anchored in the client experience," Wilder notes. Conversations with clients are started not just to hear their feedback, but also to understand what specific aspects of service they value the most.

Wilder explains that the approach they use to ask for referrals starts with a typical conversation with clients. That may take place during some of their review calls or maybe the client calls to thank them for something. At some point, the advisor will ask the client to share something specific that they like about working with Endurance Planning Group. And after that, they’ll be asked what one or two things could the advisors be doing to serve them better.  

Once they’ve listened to the initial feedback, the next step is to personalize the referral request. They would tap into one of the experiences shared and ask the client “If you think about your family or friends. Is there maybe someone who you think would enjoy that same experience with their financial advisor?” This approach makes the request more relatable and less imposing, encouraging clients to reflect genuinely on who in their circle could benefit from our services. If you ask, “who do you know”, you’re making the request too broad for people to narrow in and find an answer. By first asking them to think about a reason they enjoy working together, you help them narrow in on who else would also like that reason, making it easier to name someone specific. 

Now, the key to success with this approach is that it remains active though. Wilder shared that he typically tells the client, "Don't give them my name and number...You have to make the connection so that I can reach out to them." This strategy ensures that potential clients receive a warm introduction rather than waiting for them to be in touch with you. 

This constant pursuit of excellence and commitment to the clients' personal needs is what drives the Endurance Planning Group’s high referral rates and, ultimately, success. It’s deeply rooted in that family approach and has remained consistent throughout their growth.  

Consistency in relationships building is hard as your business grows. Developing repeatable systems for nurturing client relationships is something we do regularly.  If your team needs a place to start, we’re always here to help you talk through designing something that fits your brand.  Join one of our monthly Q&A sessions with any questions or ideas. Or feel free to schedule time to chat one on one.


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